Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Power of Love
soon you make me love you
and whoever you are
yes you are loved..
times get high, love turns blue
and there's a cloud upon your face
just lean on me and stands still
we'll go through it all..
some say rain won't last forever
but my love will
just believe in it and you'll see
the power of love is true..
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Forever You
i'm starting to realise, everything that I've got..
before you came into my life,
and you are here beside me, giving me your true love..
surely you make me feel so right..
and i know, my life would be so wrong, without you
and i want you to.....
forever you, forever you
there's no other like you
i love you and that's true
for now and forever, it's you..
verse 2:
even i know..
you'd leave me all alone..
i couldn't do anything but waiting
for the right time to see you again..
I made a promise to myself..
not to cry when you're gone,,
eventhough, my life would be shut down
because nothing compares to you.
we are far far apart, and i don't mean..
we are connected,
and no one ever breaks our bond.
true love waits..
true heart never lies,
we are connected
with a loving laces around
spending time together
hoping it lasts forever
we are connected
from today until the end
when GOD made you
HE thinks about me
we are connected
we're both destined.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
what'd you do??
would you cry??
or would you praise HIM??
just because the touch of sufferings,
we could feel what people called sacrifice,
what people said tears..
it's all about our angle of view,
will we see our suffer as a curse or a blessing??
2008-2009, 3 days to the end..
all wishes for us..
ini iseng2 pas deket2 UAN.. hahaha bodoh aahh..
i do for you
every little thing I think
a thought of you..
i tried so hard not to notice
i tried so hard not to care
that you're not here with me
but i am counting down the hours
and i'm counting up the day
to see you again
Smart in a Stupid Way
you'll be free from it someday
just release your pain, and let it fly
anything's going right in eitherway..
just follow the pathway,
something comes and nothing goes away
it comes not to make a fray
it will bring you a ray.
take it away
what you get from the price that you pay
and the last I may say
just be smart in a stupid way..
anything happens only in a glance
i found no exact reasons why..
you left my mind wondering.
bring me back my love you've stolen
take my hand and never let me fall
i can't pretend to be strong
i can't freeze this tears.
i don't wanna be abandoned
the way you make me feel still remembered
just keep me with your chains
hypnotize me by holding me around
Eien No Ai ( Eternal Love )
but it has a millions meaning..
it grows day by day,
by a caring touch to one another
an IMPERFECTION, doesn't longer exist..
by the spirit for helping one another,
we can go through this wavy world..
the DREAMS, that's built together,,
will last until the end,
even it'll never happen,
it gives us spirit to live our life longer..
the PASSION, always bring a new hope to our life..
holding one another when something gets harder,,
live the trouble together, take it easily..
something will be harder if you left it undone..
it's about floating together..
with a thousands balloon.. to the peak of happiness,,
to Carl and Ellie.. ^^

basic equation.
udah belajar cukup KERAS tadi, dan hasilnya tentu saja nihil.. yah tinggal berharap saja.. wkwkwk..
nah skrg gw mau menganalogikan basic equation of accounting dengan kehidupan sehari2 aja nih..
hmm.. kita mulai...
ASSETS. gua mendeskripsikan asset disini sebagai kemampuan yg kita punya buat terus eksis menjalani hidup yang berat. (tentu saja bukan eksis seperti kalian pikirkan..) yah kemampuan ini akan terus berkembang dan berkembang sejalan bagaimana kita meningkatkannya.. bagaimana kita usaha buat ningkatin kemampuan kita yang bakal jadi aset hidup kita kedepannya.. haha.. okay!
LIABILITIES. disini gua deskripsikan sebagai kewajiban2 dalam hidup kita, tentu sajaa ya seperti kalian tau, kalo hidup cuma menuntut hak terus ga akan maju kitanya.. jadi ini bagaikan gimana kita mengerahkan segala niat dan keinginan kita buat ngelakuin sesuatu yang bikin kita maju dan berkembang terus..
OWNER'S EQUITY. gua jelaskan disini sebagai kuasa TUHAN atas diri kita.. TUHAN selalu membuat yang terbaik buat diri kita.. jadi bisa gua bilang disini.. penyertaan TUHAN amat sangatt besar di diri kita.. dan satu lagi. orang tua kita.. yah gua bahas sedikit material ya, yang udah nyekolahin kita, mendidik kita.. pastinya dengan harapan yang terbaikk dari yang terbaik dong??
sori kalo agak agak goblok ya.. hehehe
FYI, disaat gua ngepost ini, nilai akuntansi gua sudah keluar dan ga jelek2 amat.. jadi..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
love and patience.
"Burung gagak", jawab si anak.
Si ayah mengangguk-angguk, namun sejurus kemudian sekali lagi mengulangi pertanyaan yang sama. Si anak menyangka ayahnya kurang mendengar jawabannya tadi lalu menjawab dengan sedikit kuat, "Itu burung gagak ayah!"
Tetapi sejurus kemudian si ayah bertanya lagi soal yang sama. Si anak merasa agak keliru dan sedikit bingung dengan persoalan yang sama diulang-ulang, lalu menjawab dengan lebih kuat, "BURUNG GAGAK!!" Si ayah terdiam seketika. Namun tidak lama kemudian sekali lagi sang ayah
mengajukan pertanyaan yang serupa hingga membu! at si anak hilang kesabaran dan menjawab dengan nada yang kesal kepada si ayah, "Gagaklah ayah.......".
Tetapi agak mengejutkan si anak, karena si ayah sekali lagi membuka mulut hanya untuk bertanya soal yang sama. Dan kali ini si anak benar-benar hilang sabar dan menjadi marah.
"Ayah! Saya tak tahu ayah paham atau tidak. Tapi sudah lima kali ayah bertanya soal hal tersebut dan saya sudah juga memberikan jawabannya. Apa lagi yang ayah mau saya katakan?"
"Itu burung gagak, burung ayah.....", kata si anak dengan nada yang begitu marah.
Si ayah terus bangun menuju ke dalam rumah meninggalkan si anak yang kebingungan. Sesaat kemudian si ayah keluar lagi dengan sesuatu ditangannya. Dia menghulurkan benda itu kepada anaknya yang masih geram dan tertanya-tanya. diperlihatkannya sebuah Diary lama.
"Coba kau baca apa yang pernah ayah tulis di dalam Diary itu", pinta si ayah. Si anak setuju dan membaca paragraf yang berikut..........
"Hari ini aku di halaman melamun karena anakku yang genap berumur lima tahun. Tiba-tiba seekor gagak hinggap di pohon berhampiran."
Anakku terus menunjuk ke arah gagak dan bertanya, "Ayah, apa itu?".
Dan aku menjawab, "burung gagak". Walau bagaimana pun, anak ku terus bertanya soal yang serupa dan setiap kali aku menjawab dengan jawaban yang sama.
Sehingga 25 kali anakku bertanya demikian, dan demi cinta dan sayangnya aku terus menjawab untuk memenuhi perasaan ingin tahunya. Aku berharap hal ini menjadi suatu pendidikan yang berharga."
Setelah selesai membaca paragraf tersebut si anak mengangkat muka memandang wajah si ayah yang kelihatan sayu. Si ayah dengan perlahan bersuara, "Hari ini ayah baru bertanya kepadamu soal yang sama sebanyak lima kali, dan kau telah hilang sabar serta marah."
photography. the pros and cons.
I've been into photography for about 3 or 4 months, and I found some reasons why should I took photography, and some reasons why not..
for some people, photography seems to be a super-duper expensive hobby.. Yes you can't deny that, it's truly an actual fact!! We may spend about 10 millions Rp only for the camera.. and more and more again for illogical price of its accesories..
Personally, first I knew my friend bought the cam, I thought it was the stupidest purchase.. I even never realized to spend my money (actually my parents') like that..
and time goes on,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,
until I bought my first cam..
(yesh, i know i am inconsistently plinplan)
it's damn FUN!! you should feel it by yourself..
it increases your creativity, your logical thinking, and also your relationship gets wider and wider..
it's not only about how you put a finger on a shutter and your cam says click.. not that simple I think..
photography is about (Prof. Dr. Christopher says) :
1. how you turn something usual into an unusual one..
2. how you make a attractive story from your photos,
3. change people's thoughts about something..
4. and also for living your life happily!! LOL..
honestly, if you agree with something I mentioned above, you're on the right way led by Prof. Dr. Christopher!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
improved way to make a lights graffiti
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
who's the best?
In this first round, we will vote for someone we think qualified enough to sit on the parliament, someone that represents various political party.. I think, now's the time for democracy to take action after many incidents when someone acts so unlawfully and didn't respect the democracy.. We should participate well in this election, because our votes really matters to Indonesia:)
Apart from the facts that our democracy system still dominated by money politics, illegal campaign, and anarchysm everywhere.. we still have to succeed this moment, vote the best!!
about my choice tomorrow, truthfully, I'm still confused about that.. Someone tells me to vote Demokrat, others tell me to vote PDI.. I think I'll vote Demokrat tomorrow.. How about you??
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
still wondering..
another rhyming made by me, made when everything went wrong, when every breaths are out, when I have no spirit at all when I was studying maths for tomorrow pre-national exam... enjoy!!
''when I was left behind
nothing to be kept in mind
Should I think that I'm blind?
to date I can't feel the touch of wind..
keep holding on,
when you got nothing to rely on..
when everything went wrong,
we have to stay strong..
shout out loud,
if that could make you proud..
just sing it along,
sing your own song..
let your tears gone away,
that's not the only way,
set your mind bleached,
and your world'll be reached."
Monday, April 6, 2009
to you mom..
how today's gone..
okay, after about three days out-of-posts.. I''m starting to talk along now..
We just passed the first day of pre-national exams, and everything went so well.. so far.. but, we still have to face more subjects tomorrow and next time.. english for tomorrow, maths for the day after tomorrow.. don't forget about the national exams.. it''ll be held on April 20th.. so, be prepared!!
the first subject for today's indonesian.. I worked on it under pressure of sleepiness, caused by the regulations said that we, the residents of Abdi Siswa should be welcomed by our headmaster at 6.30AM.. over all, I did it nicely, still with confusions in some numbers.. and one thing I really really hate was.. the reading passage's too long.. make us tired just for read the passage..
then, the second subject's sociology.. It''s done easily,, I've been reading for that subject all the night and day.. so, that's what I get.. Hopefully, my score will be over 80.. just hoping..
oh, I've my own quotes, for everyone out there.. haahaha.. it sounds,,
''How good we are in the friendship, depends on how we could bear with someone's bad habit"
yaaa, not a good quote I think.. It went out recently from my thoughts, after I heard some bad impressions about someone from my friend.. yah, I think.. that's the only way we could do, if we wanna still exist in friendship.. that quote's been sounding along my thoughts, just to make me patient, from something bad I got from my friends..
oyea, I've just watched The fast and the furious... Such a beautiful effects, and the storyline's quite good I think..
Friday, April 3, 2009
hey, i need the last minute man!!
for anyone who reads this post, I ask you out to play futsal tomorrow...
it takes place on MOI futsal court near puri indah, on 7 AM..
confirm your attendance now.. please..
would love still be the same eternally?
and, the facts i found here weren't show that way.. love's just about liking someone then going out with, just that way.. and they proud to say that it's love, everlasting love.. so confusing..
then I tried to ask my friend, who knows everything, I think.. she said there's some kinds of love,, one, eros love, i don't know how to type it right.. eros love is a kind of love that started by a physical appeal, such as a beauty, or even a natural appetite to someone,, eros love generally started by a sentence like this, "I love you because...". then, a filia love,, often said as a love to our family, or someone with the same bloodline to you.. this kind of love generally signed by a sentence, "I love you just because you're my family..." or something like that..
and the perfect love, is called agape love.. this kind of love offers unconditionally love, even if you're the ugliest, your the prettiest.. it'd not be the matter.. all the way you are, you'll still be loved.. Then, who could give this kind of love?? He's the one and only.. GOD.. yapp.. have you ever thought if God care about our face or not? I am ugly or handsome?? Would God refuse the ugly to come to Him?? never..
if you ever fall in love, think about what thing is really appealing from your boy/girl.. and, what makes you fall with him/her.. okay, humans can be naive,, but please.. think again about it..
say thanks to Ria, who teach me this,, who makes me understand about love exactly.. then for the one I really do love, all my family, friends and someone's out there.. I love you all..
*thought just like I'm an artist that crazed by all of you.. hahahaha..
Thursday, April 2, 2009
turn back time, to the vintage moments..
and today, I brang it home, to learned play it deeper.. I asked my mom to help me, with a hope, that she could help me and show me the right way to play it better and faster.. my mother said that she used to play it in her childhood,, waw, what a coincidence!! then, I gave it to her, and.... she couldn't play it.. huhuhu.. she said that she forgot how to play it, because it's about three or forty years ago.. hahahaha.. and she also said that ago, peoples played it easily, even when they had a supper.. but one thing I asked,, why I couldn't play it????? whyyy???
but I never quit playing that, I was so curious about that, how to play it well.. grrr!! my hand was hurted a lot because of playing this.. I didn't care about economics final exam tomorrow, what I do care is how to play it well!!!
switch the topic, this day was so so boring, I've passed geography final exam unsuccessfully, huhu,, it polluted my score with a bad one.. after I had my sociology at the 1st place, and bahasa indonesia's score quite nice..
fortunately, I was escaped from a pounce of a tiger,, hehehe.. what I mean is, I was saved from an obligation to buy a pin and a official pair of socks.. I played hide-and-seek with all teachers there... all I want is, they won't know about the pins and the socks.. when I worked on my exam too, I always put my left hand up to conceal that I didn't use the pin..
I am so into Lenka's voice now, the singer of "The Show".. which is a nice song and I can't stop listen to it.. other tracks of her is really beautiful too.. I am really recommending it to you.. now, type and search for lenka in the search box, and download it.. or if you want to go to a music store, buy it.. highly recommended!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
what the beauty pageant should have??
one, of course beauty, as captioned above, a beauty contest.. what called beauty?? in my humble opinions, beauty is closely about how they looked, how they fashioned, and how they act.. someone with good-looking face could be a beautiful one, but if that one didn't have a right way to fashioned, it's couldn't be called a beauty.
then, how they behave really matters to their beauty, does she behave like a bastard, or like an angel, it really matters. look at this example,
there's a beautiful girl who has a very good-looking and she wears an up-to-date in fashion apparels, she walks so beautifully, just like a n angel that came from heaven.. she's just like an ecstasy for most mens.. but, she acts antisocially, when the crowds looked at her, she never smile even just once, and she talks to others arrogantly.. compare that one with this one..
though she doesn't have a beautiful face, just an average one.. she never spotted by a spotlight, never have walked on a red-carpet.. she wears an out-of-date apparels.. really, she's the one who treats other well, always be down-to-earth to everyone, and also have a friendly characteristic..
then, which one would you choose?
at one blow, this post will also be the supporters of Isabella Ingrid,, who participates there...
wish you win!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
there's no easy way to get money..
Such like something I did before, i found a nice website for gain money just from surveyed other web.. There we go, i tried that site, and found that gaining money is simply like crossing your fingers, so easy!! just about 10 minutes, I've gained 27$.. then i continued that way going, with a lil' bit cheated of course.. hehe..
2 days later, my stats counter growth very well, it reached 100$.. wow! then, I redeemed that amount to be sent to my paypal account, but til' today, no amount came to my paypal account..
from that case, I realized.. that gained money wasn't that simple,, we have to work hard and give our best, just to fulfill our daily needs, as said by my mom..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
i can see it clearly now..
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day..
yah, taken from Bob Marley's song titled "I Can See Clearly Now"... just that way happened to me..
After experienced with many used-to-be-broken spectacles, I got a new one today.. caused by the need to see clearly and to recognize people well.. My used spectacles is around 5 pieces, no one of them was ready-to-use, all is broken!! haha..
The first time I had a spectacles, when I was 8 years old.. My father bought me a simple spectacles with a rope around them to prevent it to be broken or lost, but, my name isn't Christopher if i didn't broke it, one of the holders were broken, then since that time I wasn't use spectacles anymore...
then, when I was 13 years old, again, my father bought me a spectacles.. but this one wasn't given a long age, because one of my friend stepped on it.. huaha.. and, being kind , I didn't ask him to buy me a new one to be a replacement.
then, my story still goes.. we've just reached to the third one.. hehe.
when I was 15 years old, my father bought me again.. this one just had 1 year of age.. sedimented by my own butt, huhu.. then, to kept it as a secret to my father, I bought a glue, super strong glue then sticked it together.. but it wasn't worked... still, my father got angry with me..
go on, when I was 16 years old, I got a new one, a nice one i think, based of its design... hahaha.. but still, it was lost because I forgot to bring it home from school..
nah this is the last, my spectacles that had a longest age, more than 1 year.. hihi.. but again and again, it was lost in school.. then i bought this one for a replacement..
I've donated 2 of my spectacles to my school, it worthed about 1 million or more, so, there's no reason anymore not to graduate me from that school!!!! huahahaha..
Saturday, March 28, 2009
earth hour.. switch off the lights and electronic devices for 1 hour.
yeh, my opinion says that this program will succeed if all of us do that thing was advised.. yap for about 1 hour, our world will be given relaxation treatment, time to break a while from disturbing pollution caused by our dirty environment.
in my house, i switched off the bulbs but not the refrigerator, because there's stored many frozen food that should always be frozen. but, when my parents got home, they switched on all the bulbs because they didn't know why i switch it off.. after I described it to them, they told me to switch it back and just 2 bulbs are on because we needed an enlightment for our dinner. hahaha..
then, how about EARTH HOUR 2009 in your house?? i long for your answer,, huaha..
Somewhere Down The Road (Nina)
Somewhere Down The Road - Nina
We had the right love
At the wrong time
Guess I always knew inside
I wouldn't have you for a long time
Those dreams of yours
Are shining on distant shores
And if they're calling you away
I have no right to make you stay
But somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours
Will come to see
That you belong with me
Sometimes good-byes are not forever
It doesn't matter if you're gone
I still believe in us together
I understand more than you think I can
You have to go out on your own
So you can find your way back home
And somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours
Will come to see
That you belong with me
Letting go is just another way to say
I'll always love you so
We had the right love
At the wrong time
Maybe we've only just begun
Maybe the best is yet to come
Somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours
Will come to see
That you belong
With me
Friday, March 27, 2009
learn to care and be kind to everyonee...
first, when I have a conversation with my cousin at facebook chat, she asked me about many things, often seemed that she's too talkative.. but, she does care of me, she asked me if I have eaten before or not.. yeh, for me, it's a kind of attention.. I really appreciate that, and learned a lot from that.. sometimes, she could be so annoying with her carping... asked me about everything, til something personal for me,, hauahauaa..
then, from one of my friend, Ria.. I learned how to care someone unselfishly, how to be a shoulder-to-cry-on to anyone, and she described why should we be kind to anyone, why should we care, why should we help others..
oh, I'll never remind this day,, it means a lot for me.. thx all..
the end of the chronicles of tryout..
but, one thing still disturb me every night and day..
will I or we pass this national exam successfully?? am I well-prepared enough to face that?? due to my scores so far??
oh no, I think I need more tryouts to come.. just about 10 times wasn't enough,, fuhh,, just some subjects i think i am ready to face.. the rest of that?? no comment..
Maths and Geography, a pair of killing subjects for me.. for geography, i think my score not used to be above 65 at all.. how come mama??
then, on monday, March 30th 2009..
we'll face semester 2's final exam.. i don't even know the schedule yet.. huh, maybe this called the fuckin hard days, when all torturements ready to come..
now, one thing i wanna shout out loud.. I NEED MORE TRYOUTS FOR GEPGRAPHY AND MATHS!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
oh what a day is it today??
do you feel different today, on March 26th 2009?? such a hard day to live for me, my story goes..
7.30 AM: my friends picked me up to go to EASTERN together..
as always, we talked about anything in car, like that thing never happened before.. imagined how delicious it's, how much we could eat there.. til something unwanted really happened..
EASTERN is closed for all you can eat menu, just an ala-carte menu with usual price that we knew it's expensive.. so we cancelled eating there.. turned around to my friend's car with a bunch of confusion in our mind,, where did we eat instead??
we went along the road, still with confusion.. either to TA or puri, looked for a buffet restaurant, where we could express our barbarian feelings.. haha..
then, we preferred to go to puri, hoped that samudra suki's open.. but when we got there, no restaurant's open.. yah we went to starbucks, hang out for a while, waited til 10 AM, when the mall opened..
instead waiting there, we changed our mind and went to somewhere we could eat fastly, we chose bangka noodle near puri indah, the place we could eat like crazy!! haha
then, we took edra back to his home, then we went to jason's home to set him free.. we, firman and I wanted to go back home,, but we're lost!! til somewhere called ciledug!! oh my god dragon..
drove along the jamming road, looked for a turn-around section but never found it.. huh..
finally, we got to somewhere called near-rajito's-house, i don't know where it was, but one thing,, we were not lost anymore,,,
then, I got home now!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
EASTERN EASTERN.. can I eat you tomorrow??
yeah, hope i can do an excrement tomorrow morning and be ready to eat everything!!! huahaha
today's story,
anyway, i got 82 in my english tryout,, ranked 2nd out of all class.. what a happy day!! hehee.. still need to improve to get my best, never get satisfied that simple.. hahaha
oyea, last night, i was texted by an alay, you know?? let me describe a lil bit bout alay..
in advance, i am sorry to anyone who read this posts, i don't mean to underestimate anyone here, i just describe in my opinion about alay.. haha
alay, as known as anak layangan or a kite runner in english, is one of the artificial race, made by someone's out there, who describes an alay very detailed.. this is the simple description:
alay always uses a skinny broken jeans, colored navy blue or some colors like that,, uses a skinny t-shirt too, branded skaters, blackid, or anything smelled bad..
their hair colored red, brown, or some colors that caused by sun tan..
using headset everywhere, eventhough it's broken, simply looked cool,, they said..
their way to text message, such an unordinary ways.. like this "hiy, ge apz ni cay? km cpa ciiyhh??"
their way to socialize on facebook or any social website,, it can't be described.. you'll know by yourself..
then, maybe i should change the caption of this post..
why "alay" so disturbing??
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
new url, more dreams to catch!!
wish with this movement, i could start something new, something fresh to be read..
my first post on the new url's blog.. wanna say thanks to God up there, who has given me a smart brain to think, not a 'dungu' brain.. hehe.. who has given me a super family, those who support me til i've reached this time, my friends those always stand by me, sometimes bully me, sometimes make me down, but always turn me up again, always support each-other in every situations.. thx for you friends..
just a minute ago, my friend told me to support her in a queenbee competition that held by sunsilk, yah i know she's got a nice hair, nice personality too i think,, so i commented on her fan profile there, i wrote a lot of thing, maybe about 3 posts, bcause she told me it'll be mattering for the judgement day later..
then, my headmaster supported us to pass the national exam, she told us our score, and she said that she's optimistic about our passing.. but, still many problems we have to fear now, some students still have a bad score for english, math, and biology for science students..
semester 2 final exam is closer to us now, what a hard time we have to face!!
it'll be held on the next monday, then national pre-exam wait us, then the national exam, then the practice exam... if i could say something bad here, i'd say it!! but i've made a promise to someone, and never gonna break it,, i hope so..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
kamis 12 februari 2009.
everyone was born to be different, don't ever try to be like someone..
we have our own cross in life, don't be grumpy, just prepare ourself to overcome it!!
hari ini cukup menyenangkan juga buat gw,
I've been trying to make my every single days means..
entah itu buat gw, buat Tuhan, ato buat orang sekitar gw..
jadi hari ini gw baru aja ngelewatin TO geografi,, bener2 susah..
jawaban gw semuanya berdasarkan insting, gak ada yang bener2 yakin..
tapi buat TO geo sebelomnya, gw cukup sukses lohh!!
dengan nilai 6,25.. hahahaha..
peringkat ketiga seangkatan IPS,, not bad lahh..
terus tadi ada math, bahas2 soal gitu deh buat persiapan TO,, gw gak gitu yakin nihh..
kalo pas dibahas2 gitu sih ngerti, tapi begitu ngerjain soalnya pusing dah!!
kenapa begitu yah?? ckckck..
gw juga mau ngasih semangat buat temen gw, yang hari ini terima nilai..
c'mon friend!! nothing to regret, work hard for more!!
udahan ah hari ini segitu aja gw ngblognyah,, agak bingung gak ada yang mau ditulis lagi..
mau belajar math juga nihh,, oke dehh..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
rabu 11 februari 2009.
everydays are a happy day, just how we face it..
keep trying to be positive, so you can always have a happy day!!!
hari ini gw lumayan seneng juga,,
walaupun ada juga yang bikin kesel hari ini,,
tadi ulangan inggris, that surely, I won't get good score..
susah sajaa, banyakan yang gw nggak ngerti,, hahahhaa..
terus ulangan Bahasa Indonesia,, lumayan bisa lahhh,,
buka buku gitu, masa gak bisa??
tapi malesinnya, suruh nyalin gurindam gitu, banyak banget deh tangan gw ampe cape,,
tulisannya gak boleh jelek, harus bagus!! gitu katanya guru BI..
just a short2 time for a break..
we are faced to a deadly bahasa's,,
bacaannya banyak banget,, kadang suka pusing sendiri gw..
akhirnya selesailah pula..
entah kenapa yeh, i really2 enjoy sleeping in class??
bener2 sampe nyenyak tadi gw, dibangunin bu siwi juga akhirnya,,
terus tryout kedua,, sosiologi..
soal datang, gw diemin aja..
5 menit,, zzzzzzzz,, nggggg,,
10mnit.. baru mulai ngerjain, gw kebut dah tuh soal, untung aja gak begitu susah,,
pengen cepet2 tidur lagi..
udah selesai nih, baru mau naro pensil 2B, beres2in kertas..
eh, pengawas gw nyamperin, kirain mau apa??
nannyain jam tangan gw, jegerrrr..
udah gitu lama banget lagi dia duduk di sbelah gw,,
mau tidur juga sungkan gw, ntar disirem bensin terus disulut api gw..
jadinya, gak sempet tidur deh pas sosiologi..
asiknyaa,, pas masi sisa 45mnit lagi, kita ditanyain pada udah selesai apa blom..
kalo udah boleh dikumpulin,, teruuuuusssss...
pada tau kan cikupa apaan??
guru pengawasnya ikut maen juga,, hahahaha..
seru banget deh tadi, ngakak sampe kenceng2.. huahahaha..
gw kagak ikutan maen, cuma spectator doang..
abis itu pulang deh, gw pergi makan sama firman ke nasi goreng bang ade,
the best fried rice in town!!
abis itu pulang mau belajar geografi!!
see ya!!
oh iya, gak jadi deh..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
selasa 10 februari 2009
I thanked God for today he brings to me,, even it's wonderful or not..
just how we try to make it wonderful..
tapiii,, hari ini sih cukup nyenengin buat gw,,
terlepas tadi gw TO sejarah gak bisaa,, malah ketiduran diusir si oom ke perpus..
pelajaran hari ini enakk, ada jam warnet yang billing nya gratis, tapi inetnya agak2 lemot..
tapi lumayan ngeLAN cs rame2..
terus tadi ada math juga, dibacain nilai tryout..
huh jadi kesel lagi.. gw cuma dapet 6..
I felt I could get more!!!!
udah lah tidak apa2, nilai gw udah naik sangat drastis dari TO pertama..
tadi tryout inggris lagi,
lagi2 gw gak blajar.. tapi gw lumayan bisa sihh..
barusan saya mendengar berita baik..
kan tante gw ultah, terus kita2 diajak makan di suck, eh salah..
duck king sensi..
lumayan mengisi perut dikala laparrrr..
okay teman2, gw mandi2 dolo yehh..
see ya!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
senin 9 februari 2009.
agak sedikit males2an sih hari ini, gw agak gak enak badan dari kemaren,,
kayaknya sih masuk angin deh, huh..
apa mungkin gara2 kmaren makan kebanyakan??
ah tak tau lahh..
hari ini gak gitu asik,, lagi2 minggu ini dipenuhi tryout lagi tryout lagi..
hari ini TO ekonomi, nilai gw TO kdua jelek lagi, 5,75.. gak pernah deh bisa diatas 6, apalagi 7??
anyway, TO td sih gw bilang gak gitu susah juga yah, soalnya barusan dibahas soalnya dan mirip2 sama TO kedua,,
kali ini gw optimis lah bisa dapet lebih baik dari sebelomnya..
besok ada TO lagi, inggris,,
gak usah belajar sih,, eh tapi ada guru ikut2an ngasi tryout juga, padahal bukan mata pelajaran ujian.. bikin males aja dah,, si oom itu..
belakangan ini, gw jadi demen banget lagunya Nina, enggak tau deh Nina yang mana??
apa mungkin yang duet ama Christian Bautista di lagu Miracle??
enggak tau gw..
tapi beneran deh, enak banget..
rekomendasi nya si jcie nih.. gw jadi penasaran mau tau lagu2nya yang laen, gw download di limewire,, ehh enak2 lagunya..
nih beberapa judul yang gw bilang enak sih..
1. Someday (ini lagu Nina pertama yg gw denger, bikin penasaran mau tau yang laen..)
2. I'll Always Love You
3. Constantly
4. Jealous
5. Somewhere Down the Road (ini bener2 enak, gw suka sekali.. liriknya ngena banget di gw)
6. through the fire
7. I Love You Goodbye..
udah tuh cuma segitu sih yang gw bilang enak..
yang pas dia duet bareng Bautista juga enakk..
nih judlnya..
Christian Bautista feat. Nina - Miracle..
udahan ah, gw mau tidur lagi,, tadi mau tidur gak bisa,,
gak tau kepikiran apa..
see ya!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
setelah gw mutusin buat aktif nulis lagi.. gak nulis2 juga..
terlalu males dahh.. hahahha..
sekarang gw niatin lagi buat nulis.. gak tau nih bisa tahan lama apa ngga niatnya..
well, hari ini bener2 gak enak..
gw dihantui perasaan menyesal amat dalam, dalem banget..
kenapa gw gak ke airport?? pas ditelpon jcie juga gw masi blom nyadar..
melek aja masi separoh.. gimana mau nyadar..
sebenernya sih gw uda pasang alarm dari jam stengah 6..
tapi hati, dan mataku berkata lain,, lanjutkan tidur ampe jam 7 ditelpon jcie..
terus bangun deh,,
dengan perasaan menyesal, gw ketik sms ke jcie,
bilang kalo gw ga bisa ikut, pas di telpon, gw cuma blg gw gak bisa ikut,,
terus kayaknya kurang jelas dhe, gw sms jcie..
terus gw sms juga si ria, memberikan wejangan2 penting untuk hidupnya disana..
sekarang, gw cuma berharap ada mujizat yang membawa gw ampe ke airport,
tentunya sebelom jam 9.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
aktif nulis lagi ah,,
setelah melewati pergunjingan yang sangat rumit, akhirnya gw balik lagi ke blog ini..
untung aja masi inget passwordnya, kalo nggak sih gawat..
gw kembali nulis di blog ini lagi dengan beberapa aturan yang, jujur gw juga males naatinnya..
gw akan meminimalkan kata2 kasar, ngatain orang, dan bersikap ramah..
yah begitulah sedikit resolusi gw tahun 2009 ini untuk blog gw..
selamat menikmati hidangan ini.. kobokannya nanti dianter..
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