after 3 days I've experienced with some failed action on light drawing, finally I've found the right settings for my camera to have a nice drawings.. with f/9.o and speed 8 seconds.. the maximum set up I could do.. here are the drawings.. enjoy!
Friday, April 17, 2009
improved way to make a lights graffiti
after 3 days I've experienced with some failed action on light drawing, finally I've found the right settings for my camera to have a nice drawings.. with f/9.o and speed 8 seconds.. the maximum set up I could do.. here are the drawings.. enjoy!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
who's the best?
In this first round, we will vote for someone we think qualified enough to sit on the parliament, someone that represents various political party.. I think, now's the time for democracy to take action after many incidents when someone acts so unlawfully and didn't respect the democracy.. We should participate well in this election, because our votes really matters to Indonesia:)
Apart from the facts that our democracy system still dominated by money politics, illegal campaign, and anarchysm everywhere.. we still have to succeed this moment, vote the best!!
about my choice tomorrow, truthfully, I'm still confused about that.. Someone tells me to vote Demokrat, others tell me to vote PDI.. I think I'll vote Demokrat tomorrow.. How about you??
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
still wondering..
another rhyming made by me, made when everything went wrong, when every breaths are out, when I have no spirit at all when I was studying maths for tomorrow pre-national exam... enjoy!!
''when I was left behind
nothing to be kept in mind
Should I think that I'm blind?
to date I can't feel the touch of wind..
keep holding on,
when you got nothing to rely on..
when everything went wrong,
we have to stay strong..
shout out loud,
if that could make you proud..
just sing it along,
sing your own song..
let your tears gone away,
that's not the only way,
set your mind bleached,
and your world'll be reached."
Monday, April 6, 2009
to you mom..
how today's gone..
okay, after about three days out-of-posts.. I''m starting to talk along now..
We just passed the first day of pre-national exams, and everything went so well.. so far.. but, we still have to face more subjects tomorrow and next time.. english for tomorrow, maths for the day after tomorrow.. don't forget about the national exams.. it''ll be held on April 20th.. so, be prepared!!
the first subject for today's indonesian.. I worked on it under pressure of sleepiness, caused by the regulations said that we, the residents of Abdi Siswa should be welcomed by our headmaster at 6.30AM.. over all, I did it nicely, still with confusions in some numbers.. and one thing I really really hate was.. the reading passage's too long.. make us tired just for read the passage..
then, the second subject's sociology.. It''s done easily,, I've been reading for that subject all the night and day.. so, that's what I get.. Hopefully, my score will be over 80.. just hoping..
oh, I've my own quotes, for everyone out there.. haahaha.. it sounds,,
''How good we are in the friendship, depends on how we could bear with someone's bad habit"
yaaa, not a good quote I think.. It went out recently from my thoughts, after I heard some bad impressions about someone from my friend.. yah, I think.. that's the only way we could do, if we wanna still exist in friendship.. that quote's been sounding along my thoughts, just to make me patient, from something bad I got from my friends..
oyea, I've just watched The fast and the furious... Such a beautiful effects, and the storyline's quite good I think..
Friday, April 3, 2009
hey, i need the last minute man!!
for anyone who reads this post, I ask you out to play futsal tomorrow...
it takes place on MOI futsal court near puri indah, on 7 AM..
confirm your attendance now.. please..
would love still be the same eternally?
and, the facts i found here weren't show that way.. love's just about liking someone then going out with, just that way.. and they proud to say that it's love, everlasting love.. so confusing..
then I tried to ask my friend, who knows everything, I think.. she said there's some kinds of love,, one, eros love, i don't know how to type it right.. eros love is a kind of love that started by a physical appeal, such as a beauty, or even a natural appetite to someone,, eros love generally started by a sentence like this, "I love you because...". then, a filia love,, often said as a love to our family, or someone with the same bloodline to you.. this kind of love generally signed by a sentence, "I love you just because you're my family..." or something like that..
and the perfect love, is called agape love.. this kind of love offers unconditionally love, even if you're the ugliest, your the prettiest.. it'd not be the matter.. all the way you are, you'll still be loved.. Then, who could give this kind of love?? He's the one and only.. GOD.. yapp.. have you ever thought if God care about our face or not? I am ugly or handsome?? Would God refuse the ugly to come to Him?? never..
if you ever fall in love, think about what thing is really appealing from your boy/girl.. and, what makes you fall with him/her.. okay, humans can be naive,, but please.. think again about it..
say thanks to Ria, who teach me this,, who makes me understand about love exactly.. then for the one I really do love, all my family, friends and someone's out there.. I love you all..
*thought just like I'm an artist that crazed by all of you.. hahahaha..
Thursday, April 2, 2009
turn back time, to the vintage moments..
and today, I brang it home, to learned play it deeper.. I asked my mom to help me, with a hope, that she could help me and show me the right way to play it better and faster.. my mother said that she used to play it in her childhood,, waw, what a coincidence!! then, I gave it to her, and.... she couldn't play it.. huhuhu.. she said that she forgot how to play it, because it's about three or forty years ago.. hahahaha.. and she also said that ago, peoples played it easily, even when they had a supper.. but one thing I asked,, why I couldn't play it????? whyyy???
but I never quit playing that, I was so curious about that, how to play it well.. grrr!! my hand was hurted a lot because of playing this.. I didn't care about economics final exam tomorrow, what I do care is how to play it well!!!
switch the topic, this day was so so boring, I've passed geography final exam unsuccessfully, huhu,, it polluted my score with a bad one.. after I had my sociology at the 1st place, and bahasa indonesia's score quite nice..
fortunately, I was escaped from a pounce of a tiger,, hehehe.. what I mean is, I was saved from an obligation to buy a pin and a official pair of socks.. I played hide-and-seek with all teachers there... all I want is, they won't know about the pins and the socks.. when I worked on my exam too, I always put my left hand up to conceal that I didn't use the pin..
I am so into Lenka's voice now, the singer of "The Show".. which is a nice song and I can't stop listen to it.. other tracks of her is really beautiful too.. I am really recommending it to you.. now, type and search for lenka in the search box, and download it.. or if you want to go to a music store, buy it.. highly recommended!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
what the beauty pageant should have??
one, of course beauty, as captioned above, a beauty contest.. what called beauty?? in my humble opinions, beauty is closely about how they looked, how they fashioned, and how they act.. someone with good-looking face could be a beautiful one, but if that one didn't have a right way to fashioned, it's couldn't be called a beauty.
then, how they behave really matters to their beauty, does she behave like a bastard, or like an angel, it really matters. look at this example,
there's a beautiful girl who has a very good-looking and she wears an up-to-date in fashion apparels, she walks so beautifully, just like a n angel that came from heaven.. she's just like an ecstasy for most mens.. but, she acts antisocially, when the crowds looked at her, she never smile even just once, and she talks to others arrogantly.. compare that one with this one..
though she doesn't have a beautiful face, just an average one.. she never spotted by a spotlight, never have walked on a red-carpet.. she wears an out-of-date apparels.. really, she's the one who treats other well, always be down-to-earth to everyone, and also have a friendly characteristic..
then, which one would you choose?
at one blow, this post will also be the supporters of Isabella Ingrid,, who participates there...
wish you win!!
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