Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i couldn't realize how life goes with much of contradiction, much of dispute..

even they didn't know what they argue.

people have much argue about life, something that should never be argued because it's a gift. a gift that will never come back again,. a life should be lived in how God wants us to be.

but it doesn't exist anymore.

people just keep arguing more and more about the gift, expect more than they deserve, do what they shouldn't do, betray God with all those damn thing.
I just wonder if life is given how we want it to be, there will be no more betrayal, no more argues. and all went well perfectly.

but God, need us to see our minors in a different way, in the way that beliefs are everything.

He need us to BELIEVE. that everything's given would be the best for us, the best we could deserve, and the best we could live.

and with that belief to God, we could create beauty, just as what He wants us to do. create better world, and a better life.

for the glory of His name.

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