Thursday, March 26, 2009

oh what a day is it today??

as typed as a caption, i wanna ask you something??
do you feel different today, on March 26th 2009?? such a hard day to live for me, my story goes..

7.30 AM: my friends picked me up to go to EASTERN together..

as always, we talked about anything in car, like that thing never happened before.. imagined how delicious it's, how much we could eat there.. til something unwanted really happened..

EASTERN is closed for all you can eat menu, just an ala-carte menu with usual price that we knew it's expensive.. so we cancelled eating there.. turned around to my friend's car with a bunch of confusion in our mind,, where did we eat instead??

we went along the road, still with confusion.. either to TA or puri, looked for a buffet restaurant, where we could express our barbarian feelings.. haha..

then, we preferred to go to puri, hoped that samudra suki's open.. but when we got there, no restaurant's open.. yah we went to starbucks, hang out for a while, waited til 10 AM, when the mall opened..

instead waiting there, we changed our mind and went to somewhere we could eat fastly, we chose bangka noodle near puri indah, the place we could eat like crazy!! haha

then, we took edra back to his home, then we went to jason's home to set him free.. we, firman and I wanted to go back home,, but we're lost!! til somewhere called ciledug!! oh my god dragon..

drove along the jamming road, looked for a turn-around section but never found it.. huh..
finally, we got to somewhere called near-rajito's-house, i don't know where it was, but one thing,, we were not lost anymore,,,

then, I got home now!!


jojo said...

waakaka. malank bener lo.
tapi mayan kan nyasar2 asik jg. hahaha

MITCH said...

yaampun toper lu ganti url lagi hahahaha! gw relink ya!

Christopher Harinata said...

huahahaha.. misyel uda sembuh??
iya nih, kykna kalo mau start something new, must with a new things too.. jadilah gw ganti nih url, skalian buat latian ujian praktek inggris, jadi nulisnya pake ingg.. huahahaha

MITCH said...

thats good anyway. blog kan bisa jadi tempat langsung praktek nulis. bisa diliat sama orang juga lagian. ;D inggris lu bagussssssss dehhh..

sembuh sih ga 100persen. soalnya msh ada yg beraer gt.. aa.

Christopher Harinata said...

kapan masuk syel?? kagak masuk2 dah lo.. uda kaga panas kan?? hahahaa.. eh jgn masuk dulu deh, ntar nularin yang belom cacar lagii.. huahaha

MITCH said...

ya udah ga panas.. makanya krn takut nyebar. gw diem dirumah. tar minggu depan lagi br masuk.. hahaha

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