Friday, April 3, 2009

would love still be the same eternally?

yah one thing I asked to myself, when I looked for the definition of love exactly.. in some sources i found, there said that love's something that last eternally.. some feelings that came from the deepest heart, it wasn't occasionally, it'd teach someone to be unselfish, something really perfect i think.. but, be real..

and, the facts i found here weren't show that way.. love's just about liking someone then going out with, just that way.. and they proud to say that it's love, everlasting love.. so confusing..

then I tried to ask my friend, who knows everything, I think.. she said there's some kinds of love,, one, eros love, i don't know how to type it right.. eros love is a kind of love that started by a physical appeal, such as a beauty, or even a natural appetite to someone,, eros love generally started by a sentence like this, "I love you because...". then, a filia love,, often said as a love to our family, or someone with the same bloodline to you.. this kind of love generally signed by a sentence, "I love you just because you're my family..." or something like that..

and the perfect love, is called agape love.. this kind of love offers unconditionally love, even if you're the ugliest, your the prettiest.. it'd not be the matter.. all the way you are, you'll still be loved.. Then, who could give this kind of love?? He's the one and only.. GOD.. yapp.. have you ever thought if God care about our face or not? I am ugly or handsome?? Would God refuse the ugly to come to Him?? never..

if you ever fall in love, think about what thing is really appealing from your boy/girl.. and, what makes you fall with him/her.. okay, humans can be naive,, but please.. think again about it..

say thanks to Ria, who teach me this,, who makes me understand about love exactly.. then for the one I really do love, all my family, friends and someone's out there.. I love you all..
*thought just like I'm an artist that crazed by all of you.. hahahaha..


jojo said...

dewa si ria.
syank skali le dia pgi
kpn blk?
buat gw cinta ga prlu alesan ah. haha

Christopher Harinata said...

emang dewa tuh orang.. gila jago bgt. hahaha.. gatau ye, masi lama.. hahaha

Christopher Harinata said...

yah pengennya gitu, tapi kan kenyataannya lain.. hehehhe.. tapi pasti ada alesannya, terselubuung.

jojo said...

emank sih terselubung. hahaha
tp ga jdi suatu permasalahn gt

ria angelina sugianto said...

bwahahaha,, lagi bosen, liat2 blog org, dan liat komennya, gk dewa kalii,, sedikit proud jadinnya, c:

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