Tuesday, September 22, 2009

photography. the pros and cons.

I am posting again now.

I've been into photography for about 3 or 4 months, and I found some reasons why should I took photography, and some reasons why not..

for some people, photography seems to be a super-duper expensive hobby.. Yes you can't deny that, it's truly an actual fact!! We may spend about 10 millions Rp only for the camera.. and more and more again for illogical price of its accesories..

Personally, first I knew my friend bought the cam, I thought it was the stupidest purchase.. I even never realized to spend my money (actually my parents') like that..
and time goes on,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,

until I bought my first cam..
(yesh, i know i am inconsistently plinplan)

it's damn FUN!! you should feel it by yourself..
it increases your creativity, your logical thinking, and also your relationship gets wider and wider..
it's not only about how you put a finger on a shutter and your cam says click.. not that simple I think..
photography is about (Prof. Dr. Christopher says) :
1. how you turn something usual into an unusual one..
2. how you make a attractive story from your photos,
3. change people's thoughts about something..
4. and also for living your life happily!! LOL..

honestly, if you agree with something I mentioned above, you're on the right way led by Prof. Dr. Christopher!!


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