Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i know everything!!

hey, i am writing today, hahaha

ehmm i've just watched sherlock holmes yesterday, and i wanna share a bit my opinion about this..

well, i think sherlock is genious. he can find out something most people can't.. i wonder how could he do that? (apart from the fact that sherlock is totally fake)..

i wonder how he could predict anything just in an instance, as i see when he fought someone in the fight club, everything he did are all planned and he counted the punch he gave til the enemy down.. so amazing though..

to have an ability like he had, it'll be so fun.. we could know about something people have, just with a glance..
and we'll got the best method to do some approachment, with no worry..

and i wish i had an ability like him.

enough for today, thanks

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