Friday, January 22, 2010

which one?

wahay, i am blogging again now, hehehehe

today i went to campus to take my scorecard for the first semester, and to get information about the KRRS system, or anything about that (idk). hehehe

it's been a long time i didn't see my classmates, hmm about 1 month more less, everyone's changed, til i couldn't recognise them. hahaha (maybe i forgot them). and i'had been so silly today, here i tell you..

i came up at about half past ten, and i ran across the campus to find my friends, i searched them to canteen, at the circle, and then i asked someone in the admin office, and he said to get a scorecard, i'd go to imakta base, at 10th floor.. ok i went there but i found nothing..

and i went downstairs again, and bought a call units, then i called wowo..

then i knew the place, i went upstairs and tried to find the class..
i was wrong about 5 times maybe til i found the right class i've should been.. soo stressful i think. >.<

and i took my scorecard, compared it with my friends', then signed the attendance..

and i found a bit peculiarity today on my friend's scorecard.. she got 3,99 out of 4..!! whatdesit??

yes, she's done the exam einsteinously.. but, how could she laugh?? she missed just 0,01 to perfekto!! ckckck..

oh ya, i am allowed to take 22 credits for next semester, and i am a bit confused, which major i should take??

most of my friends take religion as their additions, so i do so..
most take cooperative economics, and i do so.

i don't know about anything, so i just follow what people did.. but, i have time until 3rd of february to choose.

then what major should i take??
i got 3 options now, but i certainly take religion.!
1. organisational behavior
2. cooperative economics
3. catholics

enough for today, thanks

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