Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SHOW, don't just tell..

hey, i am blogging again, hehehe

hmm, today i found a nice quote, and it sounds like this..

"Show, don't tell."

yes that's right, we have to show more, than tell more.. show to give a proof, and show to make a move.
in love, to show is needed more than just a tell, a tell, just means a words, without
the proof. but, if we show, it means a lot, it means all of our cares, joy, and love.. and she/he would see it as our value added.

and another quote i've found says,

"if you have a daughter, tell her not to hear what men say, but see what they do"

i absolutely agree with this quote, to do something, is way harder than to say something.. and surely, they need proof.

and i will try not to tell more, but show more.. because to prove that we are capable, it needs more.

beyond words.

enough for today, thanks..

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