Saturday, January 23, 2010

the life's obstacle

heyya, i am blogging again today, hahaha

today should've been good for me, coz i'd shoot my first client. i'd shoot them along with my friend, pisang.. but unfortunately, all 've been cancelled..

i don't know why today's photoshoot was cancelled, but what i've heard from pisang was the couple have their own agenda today. idkfs..

we've cancelled this photoshoot for about 3 times, each has it's own reason..

and i think, to get money is not that easy, there's much you should face until you get the money.. and this is the life process is..

we should learn from this case, that life needs effort, you must fight for your dreams, run for your future.. nothing comes easily though..

and also from this case, we are getting stronger from time to time..
and that's life should be, learn more, earn more..

enough for today, thanks.

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