Monday, February 15, 2010

first day lectures.

hey, hey, hey..

today, february the 15th, was the first day of lectures at my campus. after had 2 months of holiday, everyone starts to fight again, for their future, so do i.

my schedule today wasn't too bad, at least i got the time of break, hehehe.. today i got macroeconomics, and statistics..

everything went very well today, nothing unexpected happened, hahaha except for our late on macroeconomics.. we thought the lecturer hadn't come in.. but the truth said.. huh.
but, beyond my expectations, we didn't get bad lecturers so far, from 2 of them, both seemed so funny, hahahaha..

i've to be prepared for tomorrow's lectures, it would take so long, from 7.30 AM until 14.50 PM.. *without break*... sighs.

enjoy, thanks.

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